Could Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy be an effective, new Tennis Elbow treatment - A breakthrough, even? - Or is it actually an expensive, unproven fad, driven by rock star-athlete publicity and questionable medical studies?
Stem Cell Treatment For Tennis Elbow On The Cutting Edge ‘Down Under’
A new, cutting edge tendon stem cell injection procedure for Tennis Elbow and other Tendinopathies, utilizing Orthocell’s Autologous Tenocyte Injection (ATI) technology, is now being offered in Australia, having undergone at least 2 clinical trials – (Although it’s not available in the United States or Europe yet.)
Dry Needling For Tennis Elbow: Who Needs It?
Dry Needling refers to two techniques used to treat Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow. One uses Acupuncture Needles to treat Trigger Points in muscles, and the other uses Hypodermic Needles to stimulate a healing response in dysfunctional tendons.
Cortisone Shots For Treating Tennis Elbow: Damaging AND Ineffective?
Tennis Elbow And Other Elbow Injuries On The Rise Globally – Costing Us Billions!
Market research / data-gathering firms giddily announce that Billions of dollars are being spent on elbow injuries, (Tennis Elbow / ‘Lateral Epicondylitis’ in particular) globally, every single year! And it’s on the rise in both prevalence (more injuries) and treatment costs – projected to reach 10 BILLION dollars annually by 2022! (How much of that is spent on “symptom chasing” as opposed to truly treating the underlying injury?)