Two Orthopedic Surgeons, Luks and Berg, talk about Tennis Elbow: Its true nature, the risks of Cortisone Shots and why MRIs and surgery are rarely needed – A candid and revealing discussion!
New Clinical Study Of Bio-Engineered Collagen For Treating Tennis Elbow
An Israeli biotech company recently announced the promising results of a clinical trial of their bioengineered collagen product (combined with Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection Therapy) in the treatment of Tennis Elbow.
Dry Needling For Tennis Elbow: Who Needs It?
Dry Needling refers to two techniques used to treat Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow. One uses Acupuncture Needles to treat Trigger Points in muscles, and the other uses Hypodermic Needles to stimulate a healing response in dysfunctional tendons.
Regenerative Vs Degenerative Golfer’s And Tennis Elbow Treatments – Healing Vs. Hurting
A Sports Medicine Doctor discusses the benefits of Regenerative Medicine treatment options for tendon-related Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow, as well as ligament-related elbow injuries – options including Prolotherapy and Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections, which are compared to the downsides of Cortisone Shots and braces.
Should I Have Surgery For My Lateral Epicondylitis?
In this video Philipp Streubel, M.D., of the UNMC College of Medicine, explains when to consider Tennis Elbow surgery - And reveals that it resolves on it's own 90% of the time without surgical intervention.
Demo Of Minimally-Invasive FAST Tennis Elbow Surgical Procedure
In this video Surgeon, Dr. R. Jeffrey Cole presents the Tenex FAST procedure for Tennis Elbow surgery revealing that in most cases of Lateral Epicondylitis, “Rather than inflammation or Tendonitis, degeneration and scarring are present withing the deep under surface of the tendon,” – Stating that this damage can be quickly and easily repaired using this newer, less-invasive surgical procedure.
Tennis Elbow Surgery: When Is It Time?
If you have a stubborn, chronic case of Golfer's or Tennis Elbow, when is it 'time' to start thinking about surgery? – Here are five key things to consider, including whether you're a good candidate, the risks, recovery time and whether you've "tried everything!"