Tennis Elbow Self-Diagnostic Tests – Assess And Diagnose Yourself
Do you have Tennis Elbow? Take these tests if you’re not 100% sure. This video will take you through the basic tests you can do yourself to determine whether your symptoms are consistent with Tennis Elbow or not. (This does not necessarily replace a visit to a Doctor – but these tests are basically the same as what you would get in a Doctors’ office.)
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If you haven’t subscribed to this video series on Tennis AND Golfer’s Elbow, (maybe you stumbled onto this page or someone sent you a link) Here’s where you can learn more about the series and subscribe: Tennis Elbow 101 – Learn more and subscribe
Outline Of The Major Video Sections
You can skip to any section of the video in this outline list below – Just hover over the timeline / progress bar on the bottom of the video with your cursor (if you’re on a computer) find the time you want and then click on that spot. You will jump to that time in the video.
- What is Tennis Elbow? – (1:05 min. in video)
- What are the symptoms of Tennis Elbow? – (2:30 min. in video)
- First Test: Resisted Wrist Extension – (4:20 min. in video)
- Second Test: / Variation Of The First – (5:48 min. in video)
- Third Test: Combo – Resisted Wrist AND Elbow Extension – (6:20 min. in video)
- Fourth Test: Muscle And Tendon Pressure Test – (8:10 min. in video)
- Fifth Test: Second Press Test – (11:40 min. in video)
This video is about helping you figure out whether you have Tennis Elbow or not and I demonstrate some basic tests you can use to assess yourself.
These tests are pretty accurate, at least in a general sense, and are basically the same as what you would get if you saw a Doctor.
This may come as a surprise, but Tennis Elbow is often initially diagnosed using these simple methods – and little or nothing else, (other than your own description of the symptoms you’re experiencing, of course.)
You’re not likely to get an MRI or a Sonogram, right away, (unless you’ve had some kind of traumatic accident – But that isn’t how Tennis Elbow normally happens.)
You may get a scan eventually, if you don’t improve but that’s typically only A LOT later on, as in 6 months to a year later.
I hope you’re finding this site and this video on the early side, though, and you haven’t already been suffering that long, (or longer!)
To learn more about my self-help programs for members, see below:
Learn To Treat And Heal Your Own Tennis Elbow Or Golfer’s Elbow Right Here:
You’ll get instant access to a complete VIDEO program designed by a professional therapist to help you take charge and break your vicious cycle of elbow injury, pain and frustration!…
I’ll be your personal tutor guiding you through easy-to-follow lessons, where you’ll get the therapy techniques, key stretches and essential exercises you need to treat and recover from your injury at home.
Just watch the videos, follow along and start putting an end to your elbow pain today.
Tennis Elbow sufferers, learn more and join here: Tennis Elbow Classroom
Golfer’s Elbow sufferers, learn more and join here: Golfer’s Elbow Classroom
And here are overviews of the subjects of Tennis Elbow Treatment and Tennis Elbow Exercises