Should you use ice therapy to treat your Tennis Elbow? Actually, no! – "But what about the inflammation?… All the medical websites and authorities say I should ice my elbow to reduce inflammation, because it's Tendonitis! Could they all be wrong?" Hint: Inflammation isn't the problem.
Tossing The Tendonitis Myth – Why Tennis Elbow Is NOT Inflammatory
Inflammation – It’s the ultimate sacred cow of Tennis Elbow! (A.K.A. Lateral Epicondylitis or Elbow Tendonitis) - And if you’re still treating, fighting or worrying about it – Here’s why you’re wasting your time. (What medical researches first started discovering DECADES ago.)
Breaking All The Golfer’s Elbow Treatment Rules!
Why you can not only safely “break all the rules” when it comes to treating your Golfer’s Elbow – But why you should, in fact, IGNORE most of those “common wisdom” treatment guidelines! (And why those recommendations may, unfortunately, do you more harm than good.)
About Tennis Elbow: What Kind Of Injury Is It?
What kind of injury is Tennis Elbow? Tendonitis or a torn tendon? Is there inflammation? Should you treat it like other injuries? – Learn why Tennis Elbow is actually NOT like most other injuries and why you shouldn’t treat it that way – And why you can forget about the rest, the ice, and the whole R.I.C.E. protocol!
Tennis Elbow, Lateral Epicondylitis And Elbow Tendonitis – Why They’re NOT The Same
If you have Tennis Elbow – or your outer elbow has been hurting and you’ve been doing research on what it could be – it’s easy to become confused by all the terms that seem to refer to the same thing. Or perhaps your doctor has already diagnosed your elbow and has used one or more […]
Tennis Elbow Symptoms
The symptoms of Tennis Elbow can include pain, weakness and tenderness at the outer elbow area (your Lateral Epicondyle). What IS Tennis Elbow? If the same thing is happening at your inner elbow, you may have Golfers Elbow instead of or in addition to your Tennis Elbow. How Tennis Elbow is diagnosed Most of the time […]