Two Orthopedic Surgeons, Luks and Berg, talk about Tennis Elbow: Its true nature, the risks of Cortisone Shots and why MRIs and surgery are rarely needed – A candid and revealing discussion!
Could Antibiotics Be The Cause Of Your Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow Or Other Tendon Injury Pain?
‘Fluoroquinolone’ antibiotics are unfortunately notorious for causing tendon damage – including Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow and, more seriously, Achilles Tendon ruptures. (Cipro being the most well-known and often prescribed drug in this class)
Can You Heal A Tendon Tear Without Surgery – With Tennis Elbow Or Golfer’s Elbow?
How some tendon tears (focusing on Tennis Elbow & Golfer’s Elbow) can be healed with minimally-invasive alternatives like PRP, Stem Cell Injections, Tenex, TenJet etc – And, in some milder damage cases, possibly without any medical interventions, at all.
The Top Ten Causes Of Tennis Elbow
Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow are not injuries that strictly plague golfers and tennis players! Here are the ten most common sports, work, music and hobby activities that also notoriously cause Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow and what they all have in common.
When Should You Get An MRI For Tennis Elbow Or Golfer’s Elbow?
Should you get an MRI if you’ve been suffering from Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow for some time? – Do you need an MRI for diagnosis? When is the right time to ask for one, and once you’ve had it what do the results actually mean? (And are there any decent alternatives?)
Treating & Beating Angler’s Or Fisherman’s Elbow – Inner Or Outer Elbow Pain & Injury From Fishing
How does casting and reeling sometimes end up causing so much pain? Here’s how to better understand and treat frustrating, painful fishing-related elbow overuse injuries, AKA, ‘Angler’s Elbow’ – And avoid the common mistakes that can impede your recovery.
3 Tips For Sleeping With Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow Pain: Best / Worst Arm Positions, Remedies, Etc.
What’s the best position to sleep in when you have Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow? Should your elbow be straight or bent? Is it a good idea to wear a brace in bed or not? – (IS it actually possible to get a good nights sleep with a bad case of Tennis Elbow!?)
Pianist Shares Golfer’s Elbow Story + Offers Tips To Piano Players – Andrew Furmanczyk Interview
In this podcast episode I interview Andrew Furmanczyk, a piano and music educator. Andrew joins me to share his Golfer’s Elbow recovery story, ponder the dilemma of injured piano players, and offer treatment and prevention tips to hurting pianists or those who are concerned about potential pain and injury.
Dog Walker’s Elbow? The Key To Healing Leash-Related Injuries Of The Wrist, Hand And Elbow
Can you get Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow from walking your dog? (You sure can!) Here’s the key to healing leash-related dog-walking injuries of the hand, wrist and elbow.
Overcoming Piano Related Pain: Finger, Wrist And Elbow Injuries (RSIs) — The Missing Link
As a pianist, is there anything worse than being injured? Repetitive Strain Injuries are the bane of piano players worldwide: Tendinitis, Tenosynovitis, DeQuervain’s, CTS – as well as Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow. Here’s the missing link to treatment, in many cases.
Swimmer’s Elbow: Does Swimming Cause Tennis Or Golfer’s Elbow Or Can It Help You Recover From It?
Is swimming good or bad for Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow? (Does it cause or aggravate it?) And could swimming possibly be a good rehab exercise – Especially if swimming didn’t cause it? (OR should you definitely stop swimming until your injury heals?)
Graston / IASTM For Treating Tennis Elbow
Can you “scrape” your way out of Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow pain with the Graston Technique or another form of IASTM? – Are these metal tools the right approach to treating your muscle or tendon Scar Tissue issues? What about the risk of bruising you hear about? (Force or finesse?)
Gardener’s Elbow? How Gardening Causes Elbow Pain And Injury – And How To Treat It
Can gardening and landscaping injure you? It certainly can! Here’s how it causes Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow and other wrist and thumb tendon injuries – And how to treat it right, so you can keep digging, planting, pruning and enjoying!
10 Tips To Healing Mouse Elbow — Break Your Computer Pain Cycle!
Do you have Mouse Elbow?… Pain in your elbow, wrist or hand – due to your laptop, tablet or phone use? – Use these ten Ergonomic and self-help treatment tactics to break your computer-related pain and injury cycle! Including a video on 3 KEY Ergonomic Tips.
Tennis Elbow Anatomy Video: The Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Tendon
An excellent, animated Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow anatomy video, by Dr. Ebraheim, largely about “The Tennis Elbow Muscle” The Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis – and its tendon, and the dysfunctions that affect it, as well as medical treatments, including PRP, Fenestration and surgery.
Guitar Elbow – How Guitar Playing Causes Tennis Elbow And The Keys To Treating It
If you have Guitar Elbow, don’t fret it! Here’s how to treat the real, underlying muscular causes of your injury – and keep playing your guitar, whether you have Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow or a wrist or finger tendon injury.
What Is Pickleball Elbow And How Do You Treat It?
Is there such a thing as Pickleball Elbow or is your Pickleball injury pain likely either Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow? – Learn the right way to treat and heal it yourself, either way – And discover why the standard treatments of pills, shots, ice, braces and creams are NOT the answer!
Tennis Elbow 101: A Free Intro Course To Tennis And Golfer’s Elbow
Tennis Elbow 101 is a free video intro course on Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow: Test, assess and diagnose yourself, learn more about the real cause and true nature of your injury – And discover a better treatment strategy – The 1st step to treating and beating it is understanding it!
Do Golfers Get Tennis Elbow?
A look at golf magazine websites, medical studies and surveys, suggests that golfers not only get Tennis Elbow, they actually suffer this condition more often than Golfer's Elbow! (Why is Tennis Elbow a more common golf injury?)
Why Golfer’s Elbow Exercises Are Not The Top Priority In Tendon Healing
When it comes to treating an injury like Golfer’s Elbow, (or Tennis Elbow, for that matter) one of the first things we usually hear is: “Better do some exercises for it!” – But, are rehab exercises really a top priority when it comes to the tendon healing process? (And should you actually start doing them right away?)