In this video, an exercise expert explains the difference between ‘Muscle Protein Synthesis’ and ‘Collagen Synthesis’ and how they relate to tendon strengthening, an important distinction – especially for those who are recovering from a tendon injury like Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow.
Strength Coach Says: ‘Exercise Tennis Elbow – But Don’t Overstretch?’
In this video, Coach Eric Wong of Precision Movement demonstrates three exercise techniques for treating Tennis Elbow (including one interesting and unique exercise) – Prioritizing strengthening over stretching.
Swimmer’s Elbow: Does Swimming Cause Tennis Or Golfer’s Elbow Or Can It Help You Recover From It?
Is swimming good or bad for Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow? (Does it cause or aggravate it?) And could swimming possibly be a good rehab exercise – Especially if swimming didn’t cause it? (OR should you definitely stop swimming until your injury heals?)
Is Exercise The Most Important Way Of Treating Tendinopathies, Like Tennis And Golfer’s Elbow?
Is exercise “The Best Tennis Elbow Treatment?” — Or does it depend on how and when that exercise is done? Taking a look at a recent medical news article.
Rotator Cuff Exercise Myths And Risks – Especially For Tennis Elbow Sufferers
Rotator Cuff / shoulder weakness and injuries often play a large role in causing Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow. Discover the true, essential function of this often misunderstood muscle group, learn why you should consider Rotator Cuff exercises – Especially if you’re an elbow tendon injury sufferer – And learn which exercise you may want to avoid doing the way some “experts” recommend!
How Effective Is Physical Therapy For Treating Tennis Elbow?
Why clinical Physical Therapy treatments often don't help Tennis Elbow sufferers recover - The typical P.T. 'Modalities' involved, and the key part that's often missing - And how you can do your own rehab more effectively at home!
Why Golfer’s Elbow Exercises Are Not The Top Priority In Tendon Healing
When it comes to treating an injury like Golfer’s Elbow, (or Tennis Elbow, for that matter) one of the first things we usually hear is: “Better do some exercises for it!” – But, are rehab exercises really a top priority when it comes to the tendon healing process? (And should you actually start doing them right away?)
Can You Still Work Out When You Have Tennis Elbow?
Should you continue to lift weights or do upper-body strength-training exercises if you have a Tennis Elbow injury? – What if that injury was caused by weight lifting in the first place? (Or what if it was from playing tennis or golf – Or computer use OR heavy physical work?)
Tennis Elbow, Eccentric Exercise And Rubber Bars: The Right Road To Rehab?
Is Eccentric Exercise the latest, greatest thing in Tennis Elbow rehab? And is the “rubber bar” device used to do it an essential tool in Tennis Elbow treatment, Physical Therapy and self-help exercise programs – OR just another hyped-up gimmicky fad you don't really need?
What Are The Best Tennis Elbow Exercises?
The three best exercises for Tennis Elbow rehabilitation, which ones to begin strengthening with – and how taking the “Indirect Approach” may be the smartest way to start your rehab program safely and effectively!
What Are The Goals Of Exercise In Tennis Elbow Rehabilitation?
Tennis Elbow Exercises: What If They Make It Worse?