In this somewhat technical video, Professor and Researcher Jill Cook, from Latrobe University in Melbourne, AU, discusses the current thinking and model for Tendinopathy rehabilitation in Physiotherapy – particularly when it comes to the interests of athletes.
Why Golfer’s Elbow Exercises Are Not The Top Priority In Tendon Healing
When it comes to treating an injury like Golfer’s Elbow, (or Tennis Elbow, for that matter) one of the first things we usually hear is: “Better do some exercises for it!” – But, are rehab exercises really a top priority when it comes to the tendon healing process? (And should you actually start doing them right away?)
Tennis Elbow, Eccentric Exercise And Rubber Bars: The Right Road To Rehab?
Is Eccentric Exercise the latest, greatest thing in Tennis Elbow rehab? And is the “rubber bar” device used to do it an essential tool in Tennis Elbow treatment, Physical Therapy and self-help exercise programs – OR just another hyped-up gimmicky fad you don't really need?
What Are The Best Tennis Elbow Exercises?
The three best exercises for Tennis Elbow rehabilitation, which ones to begin strengthening with – and how taking the “Indirect Approach” may be the smartest way to start your rehab program safely and effectively!
What Are The Goals Of Exercise In Tennis Elbow Rehabilitation?
Tennis Elbow Exercises: What If They Make It Worse?