A video about the science of tendons, including what they are, what they’re made of and how they’re injured, which is essential to understand for anyone recovering from a tendon-related injury, like Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow.
What’s The Best Way To Build Tendon Strength?
In this video, an exercise expert explains the difference between ‘Muscle Protein Synthesis’ and ‘Collagen Synthesis’ and how they relate to tendon strengthening, an important distinction – especially for those who are recovering from a tendon injury like Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow.
Can You Heal A Tendon Tear Without Surgery – With Tennis Elbow Or Golfer’s Elbow?
How some tendon tears (focusing on Tennis Elbow & Golfer’s Elbow) can be healed with minimally-invasive alternatives like PRP, Stem Cell Injections, Tenex, TenJet etc – And, in some milder damage cases, possibly without any medical interventions, at all.
Should You Wear A Tennis Elbow Brace? – (It Depends On Your Goals!)
Should you use a brace to treat your Tennis Elbow? If so, what’s the best kind – and when should you wear it? Although there’s a time and place for supports, here’s how they can potentially slow your Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow recovery – and why you have to choose carefully if healing is your top priority!
Physiotherapist / Researcher Jill Cook Discusses Tendinopathies And Physical Therapy
In this somewhat technical video, Professor and Researcher Jill Cook, from Latrobe University in Melbourne, AU, discusses the current thinking and model for Tendinopathy rehabilitation in Physiotherapy – particularly when it comes to the interests of athletes.
Tennis Elbow Supplements And Vitamins: Help You Heal Or Waste Of Money?
Herbs, nutrients, collagen, fish oil, omega 3s – What about Glucosamine and MSM? Here are the only two Vitamins you'll likely need to help heal your Golfer's or Tennis Elbow and why the rest are useless junk and a total waste of your money!
How Long Does Tennis Elbow Take To Heal?
Why Golfer’s Elbow Exercises Are Not The Top Priority In Tendon Healing
When it comes to treating an injury like Golfer’s Elbow, (or Tennis Elbow, for that matter) one of the first things we usually hear is: “Better do some exercises for it!” – But, are rehab exercises really a top priority when it comes to the tendon healing process? (And should you actually start doing them right away?)
Healing Tennis Elbow: How Muscles And Tendons Heal