Rotator Cuff / shoulder weakness and injuries often play a large role in causing Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow. Discover the true, essential function of this often misunderstood muscle group, learn why you should consider Rotator Cuff exercises – Especially if you’re an elbow tendon injury sufferer – And learn which exercise you may want to avoid doing the way some “experts” recommend!
10 Tips To Healing Mouse Elbow — Break Your Computer Pain Cycle!
Do you have Mouse Elbow?… Pain in your elbow, wrist or hand – due to your laptop, tablet or phone use? – Use these ten Ergonomic and self-help treatment tactics to break your computer-related pain and injury cycle! Including a video on 3 KEY Ergonomic Tips.
Yoga, Hypermobility And Tennis Elbow
Is it a good idea to continue practicing Yoga while you’re recovering from Tennis Elbow? – And are there any poses that could exacerbate or even cause Tennis Elbow if done incorrectly? – (It may depend on whether you have ‘Hypermobile’ joints and a tendency to ‘Hyperextend’ your elbows in certain Yoga poses.)
Tossing The Tendonitis Myth – Why Tennis Elbow Is NOT Inflammatory
Inflammation – It’s the ultimate sacred cow of Tennis Elbow! (A.K.A. Lateral Epicondylitis or Elbow Tendonitis) - And if you’re still treating, fighting or worrying about it – Here’s why you’re wasting your time. (What medical researches first started discovering DECADES ago.)
Guitar Elbow – How Guitar Playing Causes Tennis Elbow And The Keys To Treating It
If you have Guitar Elbow, don’t fret it! Here’s how to treat the real, underlying muscular causes of your injury – and keep playing your guitar, whether you have Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow or a wrist or finger tendon injury.
What Is Pickleball Elbow And How Do You Treat It?
Is there such a thing as Pickleball Elbow or is your Pickleball injury pain likely either Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow? – Learn the right way to treat and heal it yourself, either way – And discover why the standard treatments of pills, shots, ice, braces and creams are NOT the answer!
Topical Treatments For Tennis Elbow: Lotions, Potions And Creams, Oh My!
Lotions, creams, sprays and medicated anti-inflammatory gels are often used to treat Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow symptoms – But can these topical remedies help you heal your injured tendons – Or are they just going to rub you the wrong way?
Dry Needling For Tennis Elbow: Who Needs It?
Dry Needling refers to two techniques used to treat Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow. One uses Acupuncture Needles to treat Trigger Points in muscles, and the other uses Hypodermic Needles to stimulate a healing response in dysfunctional tendons.
Cortisone Shots For Treating Tennis Elbow: Damaging AND Ineffective?
Can Acupuncture Help Your Tennis Elbow Heal?
Is Acupuncture an effective treatment when it comes to encouraging Tennis Elbow healing – Or is it simply a good, safe, non-toxic way to temporarily relieve the symptoms? (Evidence suggests it may help relieve the pain – But the big question is “Will Acupuncture help you heal?”)
Who Are The Real Experts In Treating Tennis Elbow?
Who are the true experts and authorities when it comes to Golfer's and Tennis Elbow treatment? Are they Doctors? Surgeons? Physical Therapists? (Or could they be the practitioners who work on muscles and tendons by hand?)
Tennis Elbow Supplements And Vitamins: Help You Heal Or Waste Of Money?
Herbs, nutrients, collagen, fish oil, omega 3s – What about Glucosamine and MSM? Here are the only two Vitamins you'll likely need to help heal your Golfer's or Tennis Elbow and why the rest are useless junk and a total waste of your money!
The 3 Best Tennis Elbow Self Massage Techniques For Home Treatment
Learn why Advanced Massage Therapy Techniques are the best way to treat your own Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow, and discover the most powerful self-massage methods to use – Straight from an experienced, professional Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, who treats these injuries every day.
How Effective Is Physical Therapy For Treating Tennis Elbow?
Why clinical Physical Therapy treatments often don't help Tennis Elbow sufferers recover - The typical P.T. 'Modalities' involved, and the key part that's often missing - And how you can do your own rehab more effectively at home!
How Long Does Tennis Elbow Take To Heal?
Watch Out: It’s Tennis Elbow Season!
It's that time of year again... T-shirts, tee times and tennis rackets – Most call it spring – but it's also Tennis Elbow Season! Here are the early warning signs of Tennis Elbow to watch for, what to do if you start feeling them – And how seriously to take them.
Tennis Elbow Surgery: When Is It Time?
If you have a stubborn, chronic case of Golfer's or Tennis Elbow, when is it 'time' to start thinking about surgery? – Here are five key things to consider, including whether you're a good candidate, the risks, recovery time and whether you've "tried everything!"
Tennis Elbow 101: A Free Intro Course To Tennis And Golfer’s Elbow
Tennis Elbow 101 is a free video intro course on Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow: Test, assess and diagnose yourself, learn more about the real cause and true nature of your injury – And discover a better treatment strategy – The 1st step to treating and beating it is understanding it!
Selfie Elbow 101: What Is It And How Do You Treat It?
Does your elbow hurt from taking too many selfie pics? (And texting or using your ipad?) You may have a "new" type of Tech Injury, many are starting to call "Selfie Elbow" – But, is this Selfie Elbow really a new medical condition, or is it just the repetitive actions causing it that are new? (Hint: It's actually Tennis Elbow – So, let's treat that!)
The Sonogram: A Tennis Elbow Diagnostic Test Your Doctor Won’t Give You
If a Sonogram 'Ultrasound' can “see” and help diagnose how severe your Tennis Elbow injury is – Why won't your Doctor give you this fast, simple and relatively inexpensive test? (And do you really need it?)