Herbs, nutrients, collagen, fish oil, omega 3s – What about Glucosamine and MSM? Here are the only two Vitamins you'll likely need to help heal your Golfer's or Tennis Elbow and why the rest are useless junk and a total waste of your money!
The 3 Best Tennis Elbow Self Massage Techniques For Home Treatment
Learn why Advanced Massage Therapy Techniques are the best way to treat your own Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow, and discover the most powerful self-massage methods to use – Straight from an experienced, professional Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, who treats these injuries every day.
How Effective Is Physical Therapy For Treating Tennis Elbow?
Why clinical Physical Therapy treatments often don't help Tennis Elbow sufferers recover - The typical P.T. 'Modalities' involved, and the key part that's often missing - And how you can do your own rehab more effectively at home!
How Long Does Tennis Elbow Take To Heal?
Watch Out: It’s Tennis Elbow Season!
It's that time of year again... T-shirts, tee times and tennis rackets – Most call it spring – but it's also Tennis Elbow Season! Here are the early warning signs of Tennis Elbow to watch for, what to do if you start feeling them – And how seriously to take them.
Selfie Elbow 101: What Is It And How Do You Treat It?
Does your elbow hurt from taking too many selfie pics? (And texting or using your ipad?) You may have a "new" type of Tech Injury, many are starting to call "Selfie Elbow" – But, is this Selfie Elbow really a new medical condition, or is it just the repetitive actions causing it that are new? (Hint: It's actually Tennis Elbow – So, let's treat that!)
Can You Still Work Out When You Have Tennis Elbow?
Should you continue to lift weights or do upper-body strength-training exercises if you have a Tennis Elbow injury? – What if that injury was caused by weight lifting in the first place? (Or what if it was from playing tennis or golf – Or computer use OR heavy physical work?)
Tennis Elbow, Eccentric Exercise And Rubber Bars: The Right Road To Rehab?
Is Eccentric Exercise the latest, greatest thing in Tennis Elbow rehab? And is the “rubber bar” device used to do it an essential tool in Tennis Elbow treatment, Physical Therapy and self-help exercise programs – OR just another hyped-up gimmicky fad you don't really need?
What Are The Best Tennis Elbow Exercises?
The three best exercises for Tennis Elbow rehabilitation, which ones to begin strengthening with – and how taking the “Indirect Approach” may be the smartest way to start your rehab program safely and effectively!